Archive for Travel Tips

6 Month Travel Summary

| by Aracely | 9 Comments » | Reflections, Travel Tips, Travel by Numbers, Trip Planning

Peru Ecuador Border Crossing

Ecuador to Peru Border Crossing

On August 27, 2025 we boarded a plane to Guatemala City, Guatemala, the beginning of our year long round the world journey. As of today we have been on the road for 180 days, half our planned trip. Below is a summary of interesting statistics and experiences from our travels through Central and South America.

5 Tips on Traveling As a Couple

| by Jason | 20 Comments » | Travel Tips

Top Restaurants in Cali, Colombia

Enjoying Dinner at El Solar in Cali, Colombia

Celebrating Valentine’s Day while traveling with your significant other reminds us how important it is to treat each other as loved ones and not just traveling buddies.  It’s not easy spending every living moment with each other and still remembering to be romantic occasionally.  Traveling as a couple will test the strength of your relationship, something I suggest doing before you venture out on a 3 or more month journey.


Lack of a Travel Itinerary

| by Jason | 10 Comments » | Reflections, Travel Tips, Trip Planning

WorldMapAfter we tell people that we are going to travel the world usually the first question they ask is, “Where are you going?”  I struggled with this question in the beginning.  After stumbling for not having a definitive answer I would say, “Latin America and Southeast Asia.”  Well, that leads to additional questions for specifics from those that are truly interested.  We don’t have those specific answers, and initially I used the excuse that we were just beginning to plan the itinerary.  But, with only 4 weeks until we leave our apartment in Hoboken, New Jersey for good, I still have very little to add to my previous answer. (more…)