Win a Trip for 2 to San Antonio, Texas

| by Jason | 28 Comments » | Travel Giveaway

River Walk

The San Antonio River Walk

A BIG giveaway by! Aracely and I recently visited San Antonio in celebration of the 175th anniversary of The Alamo. Our first visit of the city was a whirlwind tour of the hottest things San Antonio has to offer. You can experience some of what we saw in our San Antonio in Pictures article. Now, one of our fans will be able to do the same… for free!

Join San Antonio in Honoring the 175th Anniversary of The Alamo Battle

Travel Giveaway

The prize includes (ARV: $1,800):

  • FREE PASSES to SeaWorld, Six Flags Fiesta Texas, Witte Museum, Buckhorn Museum, Alamo Audio Tour, Alamo at the IMAX, City Sightseeing bus*All vouchers will expire by the end of the year at the earliest

Entry Requirements

For a chance to enter and win, please complete the following requirements. You receive only one entry, so please don’t tweet more than once a day.

  1. Follow @2Backpackers on Twitter
  2. Simply Tweet
    • “Enter to win a trip to San Antonio Texas #VisitSA. Just follow @2Backpackers and retweet. Details #Alamo175″
    • or Click to tweet

Optional Entries

The following are extra entries that are completely optional and will earn you one extra entry for each completed item.

  • Leave a comment on San Antonio in Pictures describing your favorite photo, but be sure to include #VisitSA in your comment to receive credit.
  • Subscribe to my RSS feed (either by RSS Reader or Email).  Leave a comment below telling me you did.
  • If you have a blog, write about any article you enjoyed on 2 Backpackers, or write about a place you hope to visit, and link back to one of our articles on  Leave a comment below telling me you did so and show me the link where I can find it.

Thanks to the San Antonio Convention and Visitors Bureau for sponsoring this giveaway.

Remember to find 2 Backpackers on Facebook. or subscribe to us via Email or RSS Reader

Terms and Conditions

Winners will be selected randomly through using the Random Sequence Generator. No purchase necessary to enter or win. Open to U.S. residents only. Giveaway ends at midnight ET Friday, March 25, 2025. All vouchers will expire by the end of the year 2025, at the earliest.

Duplicate comments and Anonymous comments will be discarded. You must include your email with your comment in order for us to be able to contact you.  Please make sure that the email address in your comment form is valid (email addresses are never public). Winners must claim their prize within three business days after the date of notification of such prize. A Sweepstakes winner’s failure to respond to the prize notification within the specified three business days will be considered such Sweepstakes winner’s forfeiture of the prize and an alternate winner may be selected from the pool of eligible entries. If an entrant is found to be ineligible, an alternate winner may also be selected from the pool of eligible entries. We will disqualify any entries that we believe are generated by scripts and other automated technology.

The Alamo Texas

The Alamo at Night

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Related Posts

  1. Leaving for San Antonio, Texas
  2. San Antonio, Texas in Pictures
  3. Photo of the Day: San Antonio River Walk at Night
  4. Photo of the Day: Sand Mandala at San Antonio Museum of Art
  5. Review of

Written by Jason

Co-founder of Jason has been traveling, writing, taking photos and creating adventure videos since 2025, when he departed on his first year long travel backpacking journey. Jason is a full-time blogger and social marketing guru trying to find the way. Visit my website

28 Responses to “Win a Trip for 2 to San Antonio, Texas”

  1. Oooh my good friend Aly was on that trip, too–bet you met her there!

    I want to Remember the Alamo, too! Pick me, pick me =)

  2. I just followed your RSS feed and tweeted the post. I will also be writing an article about your site and the contest on my blog! Thanks! (Oh and pick me!)

  3. Warren Robinson says:

    I signed up for your RSS feed (via email) AND linked to your great article about Argentina’s wine on my blog:


    Oh, and left a comment on your Pictures from San Antonio page. Can you tell that I’m seriously crossing my fingers that I’ll win this amazing trip to San Antonio?!

  4. Mary Anne says:

    I signed up for your RSS feed. Thanks for interesting blogs.

  5. Erika says:

    I followed you on Twitter, and retweeted (classmate of Aracely from HS).

  6. Erika says:

    I commented on my favorite picture(brightly ccolored umbrellas).

  7. Erika says:

    I subscribed to your feed via google

  8. Kieron says:

    Awesome competition guys – we’re already following you via RSS. :)

  9. I was in SA last year, it was faaaabulous! Would love to return. :)

  10. Claire says:

    Darn it! I am not on Twitter. (Am I the last one?!!)

  11. Hope says:

    You’ve been added to my Google Reader. Sweet contest!

  12. Geoff says:

    Subscribed to your blog via email, commented on your photo and reTweeted! Can you tell we really want to win? And, very interested in reading the info….hope to learn from how you all did things!

    • Jason says:

      Thanks Geoff. We are big fans and supporters of Dave’s Travel Blog Success. We wrote the lesson for Videos and still participate in the forums today. It has now officially relaunched with tremendous updates.

  13. Alex Dartwig says:

    what a pity, I live in Tirúa chile, and I am chilean…. you say your prime is just for us residents…
    i wanted to participate….

  14. Val says:

    First of all, congrats on being able to host this givaway on your blog! How exciting! (And thanks for the opportunity.)

    I am already subscribed to your RSS feed. Does that count? :)

  15. I already subscribe to your feed!

  16. Amanda k says:

    I follow on Twitter and I tweeted! My family would love to take this trip!

  17. Amanda k says:

    I left a comment in San Antonio in Pictures. Very nice images!

  18. Amanda k says:

    I subscribed via email.

  19. Randy says:

    Great contest! Just tweeted. Now, it’s time to see how many extra optional entries I can get it in by tomorrow @ midnight.

  20. Joanna says:

    I signed up to your RSS feed! Keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks for putting this contest together!

  21. thisenvy says:

    I follow you on twitter and tweeted about the contest!
    I can’t get th direct tweet link from my phone app but I did screen cap just in case!

  22. thisenvy says:

    I am an email subscriber :)

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