Travel Blog Success
| by Jason | 19 Comments » | Blogging Tips
And now, beginning in March of 2025, TBS has been totally revamped with the latest greatests blogging information out there. Â Why pay? Â Because this isn’t a Facebook page to post your latest question. Â It’s not a community of bloggers posting guest posts on what is supposed to be educational. Â This is the real deal. Â It’s clear, specific lessons on how to build a successful travel blog. Â From lessons on how to make money to what draws visitors. Â This is it, the community you are looking for. Â Don’t waste time, invest in your business now. has over 25,000 unique visitors per month, 2,500 Facebook fans and exceeds 5,000 followers on Twitter. Advertisers are now contacting us!
Travel Blog Success
I first learned of Travel Blog Success when Dave contacted me and asked if I would contribute to the Video Blogging lesson. This was a great opportunity for me to share the challenges and benefits associated with video blogging, while also learning from 11 additional lessons of blogging that Aracely and I were in need of. This was February of 2025 and our blog was in the infantile stages and we still had a tremendous amount to learn regarding making our blog a success, gaining followers and ultimately making money.
Travel Blog Success offers 12 weekly lessons, guest articles and interviews from those that have succeeded in our industry and what many have found extremely valuable, the user forum.
Travel Blog Success helped us achieve our business goals and I feel strongly that it can help you too.
Read more about Travel Blog Success here.
This article was written by Aracely and I because we support Travel Blog Success, and are active members. In addition, we are now members of their affiliate program.  The affiliate program allows us to earn commission on subscriptions generated through our website. This is an honest review and endorsement of Travel Blog Success by

I tune in regularly to 2 backpackers it’s like a good PBS reality show ! I feel like I have seen sights and met people thar I never would have had a chance to meet myself. I can’t wait til the next video blog comes out! I do have my favorites which are the chicken buses, the tattto visit and the ” night” at the volcano. It has been an amazing journey and I am thrilled for the success. This way I will get to visit new places with my favorite travelling couple. Congratulations.
Thanks for the endorsement Carole!
Sweet! I thought about buying the Travel Blog Success program a while ago, but didn’t want to spend that much money. Really glad I saw this post–I can definitely do it with 20% off. Just bought it. I’m excited!!! Thanks.
Emily, I am glad you made the choice and thanks for purchasing it through our website. It was a dilemma for us originally, whether to spend the money or not on blogging resources. I was hesitant, but did make some investments. I feel as though it helped us get to where we wanted to be quicker. And now, as we travel, I don’t have the time to learn much about blogging, so I feel as though we made the right choice to learn early. And its paid off for us today. Best of luck with Maiden Voyage
I’ve been observing your blog from a distance for a little while – I really think of all the travel blogs I’ve come across, yours has that special something that drives me to come back. I’m not so much of a blogger at this point, but definitely think that investing a little into learning about how to do it is wise.
If this blog has that special something, and you say that paying a bit to learn it from that site helped get you there – that’s good enough for me!
I have just about 1 month ’till I leave on my RTW trip – what better time to dig into learning useful skills that’ll help me down the road.
Thanks for sharing.
Off to purchase it now~
See you on the Travel Blog Success forums, I guess. ^_^
It really amazing blog i have ever seen. Hope you will continue feeding wonderful and knowledgeable information. Congratulations for your efforts.
Great stuff! Way to go, guys. Happy travels from The Trip Chicks.
Ann Lombardi & Wendy Swartzell
i just found your site and the first article i read gives me nfo on how you became a great travel blog!
Glad you found us, and yes Travel Blog Success is one of the tools that helped us develop our blog.
Unless you are using some tool or script to rig your Alexa rank, 7,000 monthly visitors does not nearly equal a 37,000 rank. Maybe you mean 70,000 monthly visitors? But, realistically, you would probably need over 150,000 to truly have that rank.
Thanks for pointing that out Wade, I haven’t updated those numbers in a long time.
Whenever I want interesting info about far away places or a quick escape to an exotic location I check out the latest post at two backpackers! Congratulations on you well deserved success!
Congratulations on the success of your travel blog. I am struggling with mine, but I am going to follow your blog and hopefully learn how to be more successful!
Glad to have you on board Jeff. It’s a challenge in today’s saturated travel blog market, but it’s always possible with hard work and standout content.
Congrats on the success of your blog – its a pity travel blog success is “closed to new members” – it seems like a valuable resource.
Mo, It is temporarily closed while all the material is updated and some site improvements made. As a contributor to Travel Blog Success, I am currently updating the Video Lesson. It will be back up soon. I look forward to seeing you on their forums if you decide to join.
according to you what would be the mantra of blog success
There is no mantra and that is the beauty of it. It’s still a business where people are trying to learn what works best for them. But, it’s nice to have a forum of colleagues that can all contribute to new ideas and provide feedback.
I wish you continued success …