Colombia Riot Police Tear-Gas Protesters – Short Clip 2
| by Jason | 9 Comments » | Colombia, South America, Travel Videos
It’s common to witness a protest in Latin America, especially Colombia as seen on this HD Travel Video from Jason and Aracely of In Short Clip 2, we capture riot police shooting tear gas at bus operators and owners in the city of Cali. Enjoy the show!
While walking the streets of Cali, Colombia, Aracely and Jason of noticed significant traffic jams through the city. We discovered that bus operators were protesting by blocking the major 4 lane road through the city. Out of curiosity and the opportunity to capture some great video we joined the crowd. Soon we were running through a park filled with tear gas.
We had never before experienced tear gas, but we quickly learned it burns. And you don’t have to be in the actual smoke area to feel the burn.
Protests were quite common in Colombia’s cities as the government cracks down on excessive numbers of street vendors and disorganized non-city run buses. New government laws and ordinances will cause pain for those that will lose their business. Regarding our time spent in Colombia, we feel these new laws are necessary to bring more order and efficiency to the cities.

Crazy video guys! Glad that you are ok – and Aracely was even smiling there, so I’m thinking you weren’t in too much danger!!
.-= Shannon OD´s last blog ..A Little Advice…Travel Around the World Without Flying (One) =-.
I think the only reason Aracely had that crying smile was because she couldn’t get over the fact that I was enjoying the entire experience. It definitely was unique.
Remember that one time….we got tear-gassed in Colombia.
A great story for the kids some day.
.-= Dave´s last blog ..Faces From Around the World: Russia =-.
Exactly! I wish I had my big camera with me. Although that one would have been harder to hide.
Once we realized that it was no longer controlled and that they were just shooting tear gas canisters in the air everywhere, we bolted.
Now that I am home I have enjoyed catching up. I know the Columbia tear gas episode must have given your moms a bit of a fright. Stay away from the domestic turmoil…and for heavens sake don’t post it on the website I don’t want to be reading about your disappearance on the internet….maybe I am over reacting and just a little paranoid. It comes from living through the 60′s
This is my way of experiencing the 70s since I missed it. Lol.
A nice run keeps you fit…. especially when there is tear gas in the game, then you run faster.

I just imagine a demonstration of bus drivers in Germany, unbelievable that there would be tear gas!
Just this week was a strike by Lufthansa pilots…. I can’t remember to have seen tear gas pictures at the airports.
.-= Melvin´s last blog ..Eliza’s Manor on Bealey Luxury B&B Christchurch =-.
It was definitely a unique experience Melvin.