Leaving Hoboken – Episode 1

| by Jason | 6 Comments » | Travel Videos

Aracely and Jason capture their last few days in the United States before departing on their year long round the world trip. Hoboken, New Jersey is a vibrant town just on the other side of the Hudson River across from Manhattan. Both enjoyed sharing all that Hoboken has to offer with their friends for the past 3 years, however change is good. And change for us meant changing everything we were used to.

Our decision to travel around the world was made rather quickly, and also wasn’t too difficult for us. We didn’t own a house, didn’t have any debt and had saved enough money while working for over a decade. A year is still a long time to travel and in order to be able to afford it, we decided to backpack. Backpacking isn’t only budget friendly, but it’s also an incredible way to experience the culture of places you will be visiting. We will be using local transportation, couchsurfing where possible, staying in hostels and eating street food. This will be a drastic change from the posh Hoboken restaurants and weekly happy hours, but we are ready and excited for the new experience.

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Tags: Adventures, backpacking, NYC, travel, Travel Videos

Written by Jason

Co-founder of TwoBackpackers.com. Jason has been traveling, writing, taking photos and creating adventure videos since 2025, when he departed on his first year long travel backpacking journey. Jason is a full-time blogger and social marketing guru trying to find the way. Visit my website

6 Responses to “Leaving Hoboken – Episode 1”

  1. PS guys, I forgot to say. You have a wicked site and everything but you should stay off the net and enjoy your trip!…. enjoy it and leave the net alone! that’s my advice anyhow… no doubt it will be ignored :D

  2. TravMonkey says:

    Hi Guys,

    Cool video! I’m sure you’ll have an amazing time! It’ll definitely change you… but you’ll love it!

    Safe travels,

    Paul @

  3. Lorraine says:

    heheheh…. I love the part where you’re trying to sell your stuff..
    You two are amazing – great video, but I agree! I hope all the videography does not take up too much of your time!

  4. David says:

    Today, for the first time in the 7 weeks you have been gone I came into work and the light in Jason’s office was on. I walked over to Jason’s office to see who was there . . . it was empty. (We have motion sensitive lighting) All day the light was on with no one inside. Before I left the office today I shut off the light, I guess you are not coming back. Jason belonged to a team of people who reside all over the US, but it was only Jason and me in the Hoboken office. Now I am alone. Great video! The team is doing great in your absence. Stay healthy, be safe and good luck with the spanish lessons! I am patiently waiting for you to arrive in Ecuador.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Oh man you guys are making me all excited! Awesome job on your filming and editing – fantastic! I will be following your videos religiously. Thank you so much for the shout-out. :) You guys are going to have the time of your life!

  6. Jason says:

    Thanks everyone for the support! @SammyK you guys set the bar for videos – thanks for the inspiration! @David I miss our daily discussions! I am glad to hear everyone is doing well at work. Don’t work too hard and keep spinning! @Lorraine I didn’t think anyone was going to come buy our stuff, but thankfully they eventually did. @TravMonkey Balance of our time is very important and I think we do it well. Creating the videos and the website is something I have also wanted to do, but never invested much time in it. So for the first time, I am not only getting to travel endlessly, but I am able to invest my time in things I enjoy! Who knows, if I am extremely lucky I may be able to get a job doing what I love in the future.

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