Photo of the Day: Guatemala Independence Day
| Taken by Aracely | 7 Comments » | Central America, Guatemala, Photo of the Day
Watch the HD Travel Video: Guatemala Independence Day – Video Episode 10
Guatemala commemorates their independence from Spain on September 15th. This photo was taken during their celebrations in Antigua, Guatemala. Many local marching bands parade the city streets in an all day long competition. If you are visiting Antigua during the weeks leading up to Independence Day, expect to be woken up every morning by bands practicing in the schools around the city.

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Beautiful picture! So they let you jump right in the middle of it and take it?
.-= T-roy´s last blog ..Colombia From the Road by Bus: Day 2 =-.
Well…I wouldn’t say that they ‘technically’ let me. But there is no shame in my game. I got right in there for the shot.
that’s right……no shame
sometimes it’s the only way to get a good shot if you really really really want it!
.-= Claire´s last blog ..A Bachelorette’s Last Hurrah =-.
Nice! I love the steaming volcano in the background.
Cool shot! I love the action and contrast of colors in their uniforms.
Very nice shot! The only thing that confuses me is why you would put a strap under your nose.
Me too. I looked it up and found that it has been more of a cool factor in recent years for bands. As long as they all do it to stay uniform. They tilt their hat down, covering their eyes so they look more intimidating.