What is a Flashpacker?
| by Jason on July 26th, 2025 | 16 Comments » | Travel Gear
Aracely and I must full-heartedly admit we are flashpackers. Wikipedia loosely defines flashpackers as tech-savvy adventurers who often prefer to travel with a cell phone, digital camera, iPod and a laptop, although none of these is required in order to be a flashpacker. As with other forms of travel, the term flashpacker is mainly one of self-identification. The origin of the term itself is obscure. There are many factors that probably contributed to the development of the term.
Some believe it was born out of animosity from minimalist backpackers; those that truly want to escape the world and get off the grid. I don’t think this theory has much warrant considering the backpacking community in general promotes living life to your own personal desires. But, there is clearly a visible change in the appearance of many backpackers. White ear buds dangling from one’s neck, a camera hanging off a shoulder or even a laptop opened at a local café is now often seen accompanying the large backpack. Some of these items have become affordable to the masses from industrialized countries and provide an easy means of communicating with others around the world.
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