Volcano Pacaya Overnight Hike
| by Aracely on September 30th, 2025 | 1 Comment » | Adventures, Central America, Guatemala
I’m sure the idea of camping overnight on the side of an active volcano may sound like a suicide adventure to some folks, but trust me, it sounds much more suicidal than it really is. Pacaya is one of the most active volcanoes in Latin America but its activity is not extreme enough to keep most daily visitors away. It’s proximity to Antigua makes it an ideal adventure for many travelers in Guatemala.
O.X. Outdoor Excursions is the only outfitter currently running overnight trips to Pacaya, and they organize multiple trips each week. The cost is $59 USD which includes guide, shuttle, all camping equipment, warm clothing if needed, a tasty dinner with beverages and breakfast with bagels coffee and tea. (more…)
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