Archive for Travel Tips

What is a Hostel Like?

| by Jason | 19 Comments » | Travel Tips

Hostel PicturesWe had never stayed in a hostel prior to our first long-term backpacking trip in Central and South America.  I honestly had no idea what a hostel was, and I wasn’t about to watch the horror movie flick “Hostel” to find out.  It had always been hotels for me, so what was I to expect?  This travel tip will serve as an introduction to hostels for backpackers preparing for their first round the world trip or just long term budget travel in general.

What is a Hostel?

Hostels provide budget oriented, sociable accommodation where guests can rent a bed, sometimes a bunk bed, in a dormitory and share a bathroom, lounge and sometimes a kitchen. - Wikipedia (more…)

Travel And Exercise

| by Aracely | 13 Comments » | Travel Tips

Exercise and Backpacking

Running in Central Park, NYC

Aracely and I are both health conscience individuals who enjoy working out and eating healthy, but there are always exceptions.  We definitely do have our  fair share of splurges on pizza (for me) and ice cream (for Aracely).  Our initial thought was that backpacking for a year would get us into better shape.  We have discovered that while on the road having any sort of routine, especially an exercise routine, is nearly impossible.

Participating in multi-day treks is an excellent form of exercise, but they usually take place weeks apart, creating new break-in pains each time.  Making things even more challenging, eating cheap street food is usually not healthy. (more…)

Preparing to Travel To-Do List

| by Jason | 25 Comments » | Reflections, Travel Tips, Trip Planning

Packing and selling our stuff

Packing And Selling Stuff

Preparing to travel, regardless of travel style, can be a stressful task.  We weren’t able to sleep; awake until 3:00am thinking about all that remained to be done for our backpacking trip.

When you live in the United States, traveling to another country typically means you have a long trip overseas.  It means you have to research passport and visa requirements, book flights, and ensure things at home are taken care of.

Don’t expect your planning to be perfect, it’s impossible for long term travel.  This is a journey that will be filled with the unknown; new cultures, language barriers and obscure villages.  For me, it is was about letting go of control.  “I am unable to prevent the inevitable stress we will experience.”  Being able to control yourself when in a situation that is out of your control is a skill you will attempt develop. (more…)

How We Paid For A Year Of Travel

| by Aracely | 51 Comments » | Travel Tips, Trip Planning

Working at the Beach in San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua

Perhaps you are expecting me to reveal a secret formula or quick way to make money that gives you the means to travel round the world for a year.  I’m sorry, we do not have one.

You might also enjoy reading… Can Blogging Pay for My Travels?

It’s similar to asking a trainer or nutritionist what’s the best way to loose weight and their response is always, “eat healthy and exercise,” uh, what a bummer.  Who wants to do that!  We never want to do the work we just want to bask in the results. (more…)

9 Month Travel Summary

| by Aracely | 38 Comments » | Reflections, Travel Tips, Trip Planning

Uyini Salt Mine Poses

Jason Jumping Over a Land Cruiser

It is hard to believe it has been 270 days (9 whole months) that we have been on the road.  Nine months of moving around, nine months of living out of our backpacks, nine months of not seeing family and friends, of hostels, of street food, of meeting strangers, of making friends, nine whole months of travel.  The worst for me has been the nine months of worrying about where I last left my passport.

We have definitely traveled further, taken more pictures, and had many more adventures and mishaps since our 6 Month Summary.  This time around we would like to share a few pictures that you would normally not get to see, and with them some important lessons learned while on the road.


Land Border Crossing Checklist

| by Jason | 5 Comments » | Travel Tips

Border Crossing Related Items

With ten land border crossings under our belt, it’s time to share our experienced check list.  Our first land border crossing was from Guatemala to El Salvador and it involved a boat ride, two bus rides and a walk across a long bridge separating the borders.  We admittedly were nervous.  It was in a less developed country and we had heard frightening stories.  Ten countries later and we have yet to have an incident.  So what should you know when crossing a land border? (more…)

6 Month Travel Summary

| by Aracely | 9 Comments » | Reflections, Travel Tips, Travel by Numbers, Trip Planning

Ecuador to Peru Border Crossing

On August 27, 2025 we boarded a plane to Guatemala City, Guatemala, the beginning of our year long round the world journey. As of today we have been on the road for 180 days, half our planned trip. Below is a summary of interesting statistics and experiences from our travels through Central and South America.