Comments on: Photo of the Day: Pedro’s Diner South of the Border Backpacking Around the World Sat, 05 Mar 2024 13:54:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Hodson Michael Hodson Tue, 01 Mar 2024 02:05:50 +0000 great fracking shot! great fracking shot!

By: Jason Jason Mon, 28 Feb 2024 22:01:41 +0000 I know exactly what you mean Cat. Whenever we see a place often, or even live in a place, we tend to ignore it. We don't explore and photograph those places as much. I pass by South of the Border a lot and have no come to realize it's a great place for retro photography. Maybe not the best place to hang out, but not bad for a quick stop and some cool photos. I went to Elon College (now University) and traveled to Myrtle Beach as a kid with my parents from New Jersey, so I have been there lots of times too, but never really looked at it artistically. I know exactly what you mean Cat. Whenever we see a place often, or even live in a place, we tend to ignore it. We don’t explore and photograph those places as much. I pass by South of the Border a lot and have no come to realize it’s a great place for retro photography. Maybe not the best place to hang out, but not bad for a quick stop and some cool photos. I went to Elon College (now University) and traveled to Myrtle Beach as a kid with my parents from New Jersey, so I have been there lots of times too, but never really looked at it artistically.

By: Cat Cat Mon, 28 Feb 2024 17:21:39 +0000 I really like how this photo looks on several levels: composition, colors, perspective. It always pleasantly surprises me when I see something relatively familiar and local to me on someone else's travel blog. I'm from NC and have passed these landmarks many times but have never stopped. I like how the sombrero in the background doesn't look as giant in your photo as it does alongside the interstate. I really like how this photo looks on several levels: composition, colors, perspective. It always pleasantly surprises me when I see something relatively familiar and local to me on someone else’s travel blog. I’m from NC and have passed these landmarks many times but have never stopped. I like how the sombrero in the background doesn’t look as giant in your photo as it does alongside the interstate.
