Comments on: Decision To Travel Backpacking Around the World Sat, 25 Dec 2025 23:49:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Jason Tue, 01 Dec 2025 18:21:02 +0000 Twitter is awesome! We have used it as much as possible during our travels to gather ideas and advice for each place we visit. I keep promoting it to other travelers as a great immediate resource. It will be an anxious time for you, preparing for your trip. Keep us updated. Twitter is awesome! We have used it as much as possible during our travels to gather ideas and advice for each place we visit. I keep promoting it to other travelers as a great immediate resource. It will be an anxious time for you, preparing for your trip. Keep us updated.

By: Adriana Adriana Wed, 25 Nov 2025 23:36:20 +0000 OMG! love the blog! stumbled upon it and what a great discovery! (gotta love twitter) and this post was the perfect inspiration! I´m planning a RTW trip for 2025 (hope the world doesn´t end with the end of the trip) lol ;) .-= Adriana´s last blog ..<a href="" rel="nofollow">can water end the conflict?</a> =-. OMG! love the blog! stumbled upon it and what a great discovery! (gotta love twitter) and this post was the perfect inspiration! I´m planning a RTW trip for 2025 (hope the world doesn´t end with the end of the trip) lol ;)
.-= Adriana´s last blog ..can water end the conflict? =-.

By: Jason Jason Mon, 31 Aug 2025 02:58:16 +0000 We decided on year because we really wanted to step out of our current world for a long time. We considered 6-months, but I felt it wasn´t enough to let go of all the things I am used to in my day to day life. I didn´t want it to seem like a vacation, but rather a lifestyle change. And to change our lifestyle, we decided on the nice round number of 1 year. We decided on year because we really wanted to step out of our current world for a long time. We considered 6-months, but I felt it wasn´t enough to let go of all the things I am used to in my day to day life. I didn´t want it to seem like a vacation, but rather a lifestyle change. And to change our lifestyle, we decided on the nice round number of 1 year.

By: Daniel Daniel Sat, 29 Aug 2025 13:54:04 +0000 Good point, Dave — such a practical answer! Good point, Dave — such a practical answer!

By: Dave Dave Fri, 28 Aug 2025 23:11:05 +0000 Daniel - I think a lot of people choose one year as a time frame because it fits the typical rules around buying around-the-world airline tickets. Daniel –

I think a lot of people choose one year as a time frame because it fits the typical rules around buying around-the-world airline tickets.

By: Daniel Daniel Fri, 28 Aug 2025 20:04:32 +0000 Hi guys. Great post! In the near future I'll be putting together a post inspired by a recent question from my wife, Kathryn. She asked — why we need to commit to a year. What exactly is it about a year that's so often attached to long-term travel? I guess what I'm asking, as it relates to your post, is that I'm as interested in your motivations to travel as I am interested in your decision to depart for a year. Us, too. I'm just trying to articulate why! Hi guys. Great post! In the near future I’ll be putting together a post inspired by a recent question from my wife, Kathryn. She asked — why we need to commit to a year. What exactly is it about a year that’s so often attached to long-term travel? I guess what I’m asking, as it relates to your post, is that I’m as interested in your motivations to travel as I am interested in your decision to depart for a year. Us, too. I’m just trying to articulate why!

By: Jason Jason Tue, 25 Aug 2025 20:35:36 +0000 Both Aracely and I had made it through employer reductions in headcount, so I wasn't too scared about losing my job. It also seemed like a very fortunate time to purchase a home, considering home values were so low. I kept thinking, we can't pass this opportunity up. I am 34 and don't own a house yet! Well, that feeling was short lived. At this point, I don't care if I never own a house. I say this not because I don't want a house, but rather I know it will remain low on my "value" list for a long time to come. Both Aracely and I had made it through employer reductions in headcount, so I wasn’t too scared about losing my job. It also seemed like a very fortunate time to purchase a home, considering home values were so low. I kept thinking, we can’t pass this opportunity up. I am 34 and don’t own a house yet! Well, that feeling was short lived. At this point, I don’t care if I never own a house. I say this not because I don’t want a house, but rather I know it will remain low on my “value” list for a long time to come.

By: Jason Jason Tue, 25 Aug 2025 20:31:01 +0000 I would have enjoyed a new kitchen floor too! I have always been a designer at heart. And just to clarify for others reading... it's okay if your house is your passion, just be sure to know what your passions are and constantly work towards them. For most of us reading this, we will probably opt for the racecar. Leaving your pets behind must have been tough. I didn't struggle with my job because I know I wasn't doing what I love for living. I am hoping this trip enables me to discover what I want to do for a career. I would have enjoyed a new kitchen floor too! I have always been a designer at heart. And just to clarify for others reading… it’s okay if your house is your passion, just be sure to know what your passions are and constantly work towards them. For most of us reading this, we will probably opt for the racecar.

Leaving your pets behind must have been tough. I didn’t struggle with my job because I know I wasn’t doing what I love for living. I am hoping this trip enables me to discover what I want to do for a career.

By: Akila Akila Tue, 25 Aug 2025 17:16:18 +0000 Well, I have to say that we loved our new kitchen floor when we installed it. :) Actually, when we put it in, we were trying to maximize the value of our house and some of the money from the sale of our house is going into our RTW. [As an aside, if I were planning a RTW trip for maybe three years from now, I would totally buy a broken down house right now, fix it up, and sell it for a major profit once the (fingers crossed) economy turns.] I am a super saver, too, and it wasn't too much of a challenge for us to save the money and we knew we would only do it if we could stay debt free. Our bigger concern was leaving our careers and dogs behind and that was a very tough decision to make. Well, I have to say that we loved our new kitchen floor when we installed it. :) Actually, when we put it in, we were trying to maximize the value of our house and some of the money from the sale of our house is going into our RTW. [As an aside, if I were planning a RTW trip for maybe three years from now, I would totally buy a broken down house right now, fix it up, and sell it for a major profit once the (fingers crossed) economy turns.] I am a super saver, too, and it wasn’t too much of a challenge for us to save the money and we knew we would only do it if we could stay debt free. Our bigger concern was leaving our careers and dogs behind and that was a very tough decision to make.

By: Dave Dave Tue, 25 Aug 2025 17:00:23 +0000 "Would you rather brag about your 10-second 1/4 mile racecar, or the new floor just installed in your kitchen? " Nope!! I was already traveling by the time the economy really dived, and home values fell. Friends and former coworkers would always message me that I was lucky to be outside the country (traveling). “Would you rather brag about your 10-second 1/4 mile racecar, or the new floor just installed in your kitchen? ”


I was already traveling by the time the economy really dived, and home values fell. Friends and former coworkers would always message me that I was lucky to be outside the country (traveling).
