Comments on: All Mothers Are Not Created Equal A Backpacking Journey Around the World Tue, 18 May 2025 19:55:19 -0400 hourly 1 By: Amy Amy Mon, 17 May 2025 21:58:54 +0000 The children begging are the hardest for me. How can you say no to a little kid, especially when you know an adult is behind it? Or worse, when the child himself or herself realizes that begging is required for survival? I have no answers for what to do when confronted by a child, and the situation you witnessed is heartbreaking. The children begging are the hardest for me. How can you say no to a little kid, especially when you know an adult is behind it? Or worse, when the child himself or herself realizes that begging is required for survival? I have no answers for what to do when confronted by a child, and the situation you witnessed is heartbreaking.

By: Aracely Aracely Sun, 16 May 2025 23:28:29 +0000 J.P. We have been to mostly ´poor´ countries and have experienced begging. It is a reality of the world that we don´t often see when living in countries like the US. Traveling in this way to these places truly opens up a new world is ways we can´t even imagine. I saw your comment on the other blog about considering a similar backpacking adventure once in a lifetime. I encourage you to do so but please do so in a respectful way to the places you are visiting. Best of luck and let me know if you do decide to go on such a journey. J.P.

We have been to mostly ´poor´ countries and have experienced begging. It is a reality of the world that we don´t often see when living in countries like the US. Traveling in this way to these places truly opens up a new world is ways we can´t even imagine. I saw your comment on the other blog about considering a similar backpacking adventure once in a lifetime. I encourage you to do so but please do so in a respectful way to the places you are visiting. Best of luck and let me know if you do decide to go on such a journey.

By: Aracely Aracely Sun, 16 May 2025 23:20:41 +0000 Thanks for the comment Leigh, I understand and agree with the point that mother´s are criticized no matter what they do. I´ve seen such behavior even within my own family and towards my own mother. And yes, I would like to think of myself as a non-judgemental person....although I admit it does take a certain level of energy to truly fill those shoes. A level of energy that I don´t posses. That said, I´ve always had an uncontrollable weakness towards children. And although I don´t think any mother can be perfect, this woman is one of the worst examples I have seen. Bolivia is different. We are enjoying it. We miss you guys and the magic bars! Thanks for the comment Leigh,

I understand and agree with the point that mother´s are criticized no matter what they do. I´ve seen such behavior even within my own family and towards my own mother.

And yes, I would like to think of myself as a non-judgemental person….although I admit it does take a certain level of energy to truly fill those shoes. A level of energy that I don´t posses. That said, I´ve always had an uncontrollable weakness towards children. And although I don´t think any mother can be perfect, this woman is one of the worst examples I have seen.

Bolivia is different. We are enjoying it. We miss you guys and the magic bars!

By: Nikki Nikki Fri, 14 May 2025 20:46:57 +0000 I love the blog and I love photos! Keep in up! I love the blog and I love photos! Keep in up!

By: Leigh Leigh Fri, 14 May 2025 00:50:00 +0000 I hear what you're saying, and I agree that Mom is supposed to have a level of self-sacrificing caring that this particular woman didn't show. Yet as a mom, I still have this underlying (and probably irrational) urge to defend her, because I feel like too often moms are criticized no matter what they do. I know you to be a kind hearted, decent and really non-judgmental person, so I can only imagine what it would take to upset you to the point you express in this post. I also appreciate your presenting a view of motherhood that isn't that perfect rosy and impossible standard that really no mother can live up to. Miss you guys. Still eating cake and hope you're loving Bolivia. I hear what you’re saying, and I agree that Mom is supposed to have a level of self-sacrificing caring that this particular woman didn’t show.

Yet as a mom, I still have this underlying (and probably irrational) urge to defend her, because I feel like too often moms are criticized no matter what they do.

I know you to be a kind hearted, decent and really non-judgmental person, so I can only imagine what it would take to upset you to the point you express in this post.

I also appreciate your presenting a view of motherhood that isn’t that perfect rosy and impossible standard that really no mother can live up to.

Miss you guys. Still eating cake and hope you’re loving Bolivia.

By: J. P. Cabit J. P. Cabit Thu, 13 May 2025 16:10:47 +0000 I have witnessed begging before—it is awkward. Have you come across a lot of beggars in your backpacking adventures? -J. P. Cabit Editor-In-Chief, Fedwick Agency I have witnessed begging before—it is awkward. Have you come across a lot of beggars in your backpacking adventures?

-J. P. Cabit
Editor-In-Chief, Fedwick Agency
